Marketing Automation Explained: Start Saving Time & Money Now

Marketing Automation Explained: Start Saving Time & Money Now

Heather Schuck

April 7, 2022

For businesses and companies, marketing automation can provide them with the technology to get rid of the slow, one-off emails needed to reach contacts. This outdated step can be replaced with a more efficient one by setting up an automation that allows you to provide your customers with emails even if you’re on vacation.

You can use these automation tools to provide your customers with an experience that’s customized based on their activity, preference, behaviors, and more.

With marketing automation, sales and marketing departments can improve sales activities and online campaigns by maximizing efficiency and increasing revenue. Automation can be used to handle repetitive tasks, which results in fewer errors and provides employees the freedom to tackle more complex tasks.

Moreover, automation is known for its cost and time-saving results, providing a company with more resources to grow.

When stripped to its most basic function, marketing automation can be defined as a set of tools that allow businesses to streamline and simplify their most time-consuming jobs.

Automation is the key to simplifying businesses in the world today that are growing too quickly and much too complex. From effectively handling the lead qualification process to making a hub for digital campaigns, marketing automation is the solution you’re looking for.

Moreover, marketing automation allows for the implementation of a digital marketing strategy without the need to manually send every message, email, or post your business makes.

A great automation tool will help to identify your audience, develop the right content and automatically create actions based on customer behaviors and your schedules.

Once you get started with an automated campaign, you’ll be able to focus on other tasks and focus on improving your results.

There are plenty of advantages to switching over to an automated marketing campaign. Here are just a few:

Implementation of Complex Strategies

Marketing communications isn’t just about making contact with customers. It’s also about mapping out the best time to interact with shoppers. To achieve this, many companies turn to drip campaigns, where they send pre-written emails regularly.

However, there are also automatic tools that allow marketers to execute complex strategies. Some tools such as Sales.Rocks will let businesses clean, organize, and manage their audience, apart from sending out emails to them.

Being able validate and segment audiences is critical especially with B2B marketing strategies that involve cold email outreach.

Combined with your strategy, marketing automation allows you to send out messages to various segments of your audience based on data gathered about them.

You can then use individualized messages based on a customer’s actions to enhance customer relationship management.

Helps to Understand Customers

When you understand your customers, every interaction you have with them becomes more profitable and richer. According to a 2018 report, brands that provide relevant and customized experiences are more likely to attract 80% of customers who will make a purchase.

Moreover, a 2017 survey found out that 44% of consumers are likely to buy from companies that offer personalized interactions.

Such research proves that customers value being given personalized messages and being treated as individuals, rather than just being another number in a company’s database.

Allows You to Focus on Harder Tasks

As automation solutions become more and more prevalent in the world of digital marketing, they’ve been helping to streamline processes.

Because of this, you can get rid of the manual and repetitive tasks that your employees would normally have to do. This results in your employees being able to focus on the strategies needed for nurturing leads and retaining customers.

Once your team can schedule and send out marketing messages automatically, you’ll be able to focus on enhancing your customer experience.

Doing this will allow you to better respond to inquiries and quickly resolve issues.

However, there are also automatic tools that allow marketers to execute complex strategies. Some tools such as Sales.Rocks will let businesses clean, organize, and manage their audience, apart from sending out emails to them.

Being able validate and segment audiences is critical especially with B2B marketing strategies that involve cold email outreach.

Combined with your strategy, marketing automation allows you to send out messages to various segments of your audience based on data gathered about them.

You can then use individualized messages based on a customer’s actions to enhance customer relationship management.

Saves Resources and Time

Finding the right marketing automation solution can help you and your business save time, optimize your marketing, and improve engagement — which will, in turn, provide you with a better workflow.

It also provides your customers with personalized attention that shows a thoughtful mind and an authentic message.

Whether you have a hundred fans or a million customers, your messages will always sound as though you are writing to a friend.

You can then use merge tags inside emails so that it begins with the customer’s name, or you can send promos or discounts during their birthday. 

Marketing automation completely depends on the information you feed it. Every time someone subscribes to your services, clicks on your ads, or purchases something from your online store, you’re getting valuable data.

For instance, many marketing automation CRM services can collect data in one place so that you can get a view of your audience as a whole. It can also provide a visual breakdown of the data, including:

You can then use this information to encourage customers to take your desired actions at various interaction points.

Moreover, using browser cookies will allow you to see customer behavior on your website. This includes what they buy, what they do, and where they go.

After this information has been gathered, the marketing part of the automation will take place. It’s here where you need to provide your system with key pieces of information, such as:

Should everything follow according to your plan, your marketing automation campaigns will engage your customers when they are most likely to convert.

It doesn’t matter what kind of industry you’re in, marketing automation can be set up easily for most situations. Every organization will want the same results out of their business, which can be achieved by aligning their processes, technology, and people.

Marketing automation provides this solution by allowing companies to automate, streamline, and measure their workflows and marketing tasks. This, in turn, increases the efficiency of operations and grows revenue faster.

Additionally, marketing automation allows for the modernization of marketing practices, including:

These days, if you don’t use marketing automation, you’re practically just hoping that people will take the bait and purchase your products without any guaranteed results. Unfortunately, this is not how buyers make their purchases, and will learn about products at their own pace. As a result, only a well-constructed marketing automation strategy can help to attract sure buyers.

Furthermore, marketing automation is one of the fastest-growing technologies available, with significant estimated growth until 2023. While it was first used in larger companies, it has become just as useful for small to mid-sized businesses.

In the next five years, the technology for marketing automation is expected to grow 14%, while lead-to-revenue automation platforms will grow by 19.4%. 

Today, marketers are tired from being overworked — chasing after unqualified leads and being unable to track engagement are just a few responsibilities under their belt.

The best marketing automation tools help businesses by delivering targeted and personalized communications, freeing up time so they can scale programs, align the sales process, as well as to measure effectiveness on a holistic level. Here are a few marketing automation examples and the problems they solve.

In industries that involve a fast-paced environment, marketers feel tremendous pressure in delivering more results using the least amount of resources. There’s a demand for them to generate more leads, close deals quickly, and grow revenue.

When a program is finished, another one is expected to follow right away. Through marketing automation, marketers can free up their time, allowing them to focus on strategic work while the software does the rest of your work for you.

According to the B2B Technology Marketing Community, as many as 61% of B2B marketers agree that their biggest challenge is generating high-quality leads.

Having a leaky sales funnel and dealing with leads that won’t convert can be frustrating, but this problem can be fixed.

A B2B marketing automation platform will allow you to nurture prospects through useful and relevant information across all your channels until they make a purchase.

If your nurtures are done correctly, they can provide you with 50% more profit at 33% lower costs per person.

Being able to track how users engage with you is essential, so it’s critical for you to implement marketing automation since it will allow you to capture, trace, manage, and score leads.

Being able to do this in the funnel environment will also allow you to see each process and every conversion throughout your online and offline channels.

With an automation process in place, you’ll be able to better optimize your programs and demonstrate your ROI better.

Marketing automation can also help you with retargeting to optimize engagement while connecting you to the right buyer. It also provides an easier way to show your content and products to the right audience on the right platform, so they can easily reach you.

According to MarkertingSherpa, 68% of B2B companies make use of landing pages as a means for nurturing new leads and converting them in the future.

If you’re going through inefficiencies in your marketing strategy, implementing automation can help.

When you automate mundane and repetitive tasks, you will be able to free your staff to focus on strategic work that can help to improve your overall processes.

It can also help in other areas such as boosting your bottom line and innovating your marketing campaigns.

Moreover, communications to customers will be made quick and simple through the automation of emails and texts.

Finally, with buyer personas, you can be sure that you’ll deliver personalized messaging throughout your customer’s journey even after they’ve purchased from you.

You can’t just focus on lead generation at the top of the funnel and strategies on building awareness — you also have to ensure that every lead will benefit the company.

There’s also no point in generating more leads if there’s no possibility of converting them into sales. Thankfully, marketing automation can help you to better understand your buyers and prospects.

Through it, you’ll be able to personalize each buyer’s journey from the first touch, through the sale, and after that. This can be achieved through tools such as lead scoring, lead nurturing, and marketing data and analytics.

Various marketing automation tools provide an all-in-one platform, where you can get everything done without having to piece together multiple services.

These not only save you money but also make the work so much easier for you and your team. Rather than just helping you provide automated emails, plenty of systems also provide you with retargeting ads, a/b testing, postcards, and many other tools to ensure that you’re connecting with customers on every level.

When it comes to business, every customer matters. However, not everyone has the time in the world to create a one-off campaign every time you need to talk to them.

This is where marketing automation comes in — with so many systems available today, you can make your marketing strategy so much simpler, yet more effective.

Implementing automation means that you can keep the conversation going, so that you can grow your customer relationships, along with your business.


Heather Schuck

Growth obsessed. Process driven. With over 20 years of experience solving complex issues that stall revenue, Heather is the Founder and Lead Strategist here at TheSchuck.Agency. Interested in working with her? 

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