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Product-Led and Sales-Led Growth Models: Which is Best?

Product-Led and Sales-Led Growth

Product-led and sales-led growth models represent two distinct strategies for B2B companies to acquire, retain, and grow customers. Here’s a breakdown of each approach, their similarities, differences, and pros and cons: What is a Product-Led Growth Model? In a product-led approach, the product is the primary driver of customer acquisition, retention, and growth. Companies focus […]

Top 10 Reasons Sales Enablement Is Critical for B2B

Sales enablement is crucial for B2B companies and both sales and marketing play essential roles in empowering this enablement. Marketing spearheads new go-to-market initiatives to attract potential clients, while sales support these efforts by analyzing buying trends and providing customer insights. Together, the sales and marketing teams identify ideal customer profiles, devise outreach strategies, and […]